Friday, June 26, 2009

Tai-Zhong Night Market

Just a few quick photos! Went to the Night Market in Tai-Zhong (more people, more modern)last night with some friends.

We enjoyed Taiwanese shaved ice (again!):

I need to remember to the "V" in my photos....super popular pose here. (in the middle) is the doctor that was a couple years behind my dad in medical school and knew both of my parents (at least by reputation..hahaha).


  1. Hi, Laura,
    I don't recognize him but I'm going to show dad and see if he does. Hope your time is productive and fun.

  2. Have you ever figured out what the V is? Super popular "pose"? It was for "victory" in World War II--and now?

  3. Dad says chief of cardiology is his classmate, too--if you want to say hi or ask him for something: Dr. Yang Bo Da
