Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Typhoon and Tai Zhong Clinic

Hello folks,

I went back to the clinic in Tai Zhong today and had a great time. The doctor there, Dr. L (on the left) is very wise and a great teacher. The chief of Family Medicine (also Dr. L), came to pick me up. Since it was my last day at the clinic, we took some pictures:

Here are some photos from the small typhoon we had on Sunday and Monday. They say the wind was very small this time, but I still was impressed!

Hope you are all doing well.


  1. Wow, it looks like you're having a great time. I'm happy for you and glad the typhoon was not too big!!! When are you coming back to the States?? Enjoy it!

  2. hehe I love you in that white coat :D YAAAY Dr.Wang Billiet :D
    Cant wait for you to come back :*
